Diagnosis Procedure ICD10-Right ICD10-Left WristPainStiffnessSprainEffusionContusionArtificial Joint E/M CodingModifiers M25.531 Pain in right wristM25.631 Stiffness of right wristS63.8X1A Sprain other right wrist and hand M25.431 Effusion, right wrist S60.211A Contusion of right wrist Z96.631 Presence of right artificial wrist joint M25.532 Pain in left wristM25.632 Stiffness of left wrist S63.8X2A Sprain other left wrist and hand, M25.432 Effusion, left wrist S60.212A Contusion of left wrist, Z96.632 Presence of left artificial wrist joint HandPainStiffnessSprainEffusionContusion E/M CodingModifiers M79.641 Pain in right handM25.641 Stiffness of right hand S63.8X1A Sprain other right wrist and hand M25.441 Effusion, right handS60.221A Contusion of right hand M79.642 Pain in left handM25.642 Stiffness of left hand S63.8X2A Sprain other left wrist and hand, M25.442 Effusion, left hand S60.222A Contusion of left hand Bennett's Fracture S62.213A Bennett's Fracture ORIF 26665 CPT Coding S62.211A Bennett's fracture, right hand, initial closed S62.212A Bennett's fracture, left hand, initial closed Carpal Boss M25.739 Carpal Boss Excision 25130 CPT Coding M25.741 - Osteophyte, right hand M25.742 - Osteophyte, left hand Carpal Tunnel syndrome (CTS) G56.00 Carpal Tunnel Release 64721 CPT Coding G56.01 - Carpal tunnel syndrome, right upper limb G56.02 - Carpal tunnel syndrome, left upper limb Carpometacarpal Fracture - Dislocation S63.056A S62.109A S62.309A Carpometacarpal Fracture-Dislocation CRPP 26676 CPT Coding S63.054A - Dislocation of other carpometacarpal joint of right hand, initial encounter S63.055A - Dislocation of other carpometacarpal joint of left hand, initial encounter DeQuervain's Tenosynovitis M65.4 deQuervain Release 25000 CPT Coding M65.4 M65.4 DIP Arthritis M19.049 DIP Arthrodesis 26860 CPT Coding M19.041 - Primary osteoarthritis, right hand M19.042 - Primary osteoarthritis, left hand Distal Phalanx Fracture S62.523A Distal Phalanx Fracture Open Treatment 26765 CPT Coding Distal Phalanx Fracture - right Distal Phalanx fracture - left Distal Radius Fracture S52.539A Distal Radius External Fixation 20690 Distal Radius Fracture CRPP 25606 Distal Radius ORIF 25607 CPT Coding S52.501A - Unspecified fracture of the lower end of right radius, initial encounter for closed fracture S52.531A - Colles' fracture of right radius, initial encounter for closed fracture S52.502A - Unspecified fracture of the lower end of left radius, initial encounter for closed fracture S52.532A - Colles' fracture of left radius, initial encounter for closed fracture DRUJ Instability / Dislocation S63.016A DRUJ Reconstruction 25676 CPT Coding S63.011A - Subluxation of distal radioulnar joint of right wrist, initial encounter S63.014A - Dislocation of distal radioulnar joint of right wrist, initial encounter S63.012A - Subluxation of distal radioulnar joint of left wrist, initial encounter S63.015A - Dislocation of distal radioulnar joint of left wrist, initial encounter Dupuytren's Contracture M72.0 Dupuytren's Contracture Excision CPT 26123 CPT Coding M72.0 - Palmar fascial fibromatosis [Dupuytren] M72.0 - Palmar fascial fibromatosis [Dupuytren] Extensor Tendon Injuries M66.249 S61.409A S66.929A Extensor Tendon Repair 26410 CPT Coding S66.22_A - Laceration of extensor at wrist and hand level, right S56.42_A - Laceration of extensor at forearm level, right S66.22_A - Laceration of extensor at wrist and hand level, left S56.42_A - Laceration of extensor at forearm level, left Felon L03.019 L03.011 Cellulitis right finger L03.012 Cellulitis left finger Flexor Tendon Tenosynovitis M65.849 Flexor tendon sheath Irrigation and debridement 26020 CPT Coding M65.041 - Abscess of tendon sheath, right hand M65.841 Other synovitis and tenosynovitis, right hand M65.042 - Abscess of tendon sheath, left hand M65.842 Other synovitis and tenosynovitis, left hand Ganglion Cyst M67.439 Ganglion Cyst Excision 25111 CPT Coding M67.431 Ganglion, right wrist M67.432 Ganglion, left wrist Ganglion of Tendon Sheath M67.40 Ganglion of Tendon Sheath Excision 26160 CPT Coding M67.441 Ganglion, right hand M67.442 Ganglion, left hand Jersey Finger S63.629A S63.63_A Sprain interphalangeal joint right __finger, initial S63.63_A Sprain interphalangeal joint left __ finger, initial Mallet Finger M20.019 Mallet Finger Repair 26433 Extension Block Pinning 26756 CPT Coding M20.011 Mallet finger right finger(s) M20.012 Mallet finger left finger(s) Metacarpal Neck Fracture S62.339A Metacarpal Neck Fracture ORIF / CRPP 26615 CPT Coding Metacarpal neck fracture right ICD-10 S62.336A - Displaced fracture of neck of fifth metacarpal bone, right hand, initial encounter for closed fracture Metacarpal neck fracture left ICD-10 S62.337A - Displaced fracture of neck of fifth metacarpal bone, left hand, initial encounter for closed fracture Metacarpal Shaft Fracture S62.329A Metacarpal Shaft Fracture ORIF 26615 CPT Coding Metacarpal shaft fractrue right ICD-10 Metacarpal shaft fractrue left ICD-10 Mucous Cyst M19.049 Mucous Cyst Excision 26160 CPT Coding M19.041 - Primary osteoarthritis, right hand M19.042 - Primary osteoarthritis, left hand Nail Bed Injury S61.309A Nailbed Repair 11760 CPT Coding with damage to nail, right ICD-10 with damage to nail, left ICD-10 Pain in finger(s) M79.644 M79.645 Pain in hand M79.641 M79.642 Pain in wrist M25.531 M25.532 Phalangeal Shaft Fracture S62.509A S62.609A Phalanx Fracture ORIF 26735 CPT Coding Distal Phalanx Fracture - Right ICD-10 Middle Phalanx Fracture - Right ICD-10 Proximal Phalanx Fracture - Right ICD-10 Distal Phalanx Fracture - Left ICD-10 Middle Phalanx Fracture - Left ICD-10 Proximal Phalanx Fracture - Left ICD-10 PIP Arthritis M19.049 M19.041 - Primary osteoarthritis, right hand M19.042 - Primary osteoarthritis, left hand Scaphoid Fracture S62.009A Scaphoid ORIF 25628 CPT Coding Scaphoid Fracture - Right ICD-10 Scaphoid Fracture - Left ICD-10 Scapholunate Instability S63.519A Scapholunate Ligament Repair 25320 CPT Coding S63.511A Sprain carpal joint right wrist, initial S63.512A Sprain carpal joint left wrist, initial Thumb Basilar Joint Arthritis M19.049 LRTI 25447 CPT Coding M19.041 - Primary osteoarthritis, right hand M19.042 - Primary osteoarthritis, left hand Thumb MCP Dislocation S63.116A Thumb MCP Reduction 26705 CPT Coding S63.114A Dislocation metacarpophalangeal joint right thumb, initial S63.115A Dislocation metacarpophalangeal joint left thumb, initial Thumb Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injury S63.649A S63.641A Sprain metacarpophalangeal joint right thumb, initial S63.642A Sprain metacarpophalangeal joint left thumb, initial Trigger Finger / Thumb M65.30 Trigger Finger Release 26055 CPT Coding M65.351 Trigger finger, right little M65.311 Trigger thumb, right thumb M65.321 Trigger finger, right index M65.331 Trigger finger, right middle M65.341 Trigger finger, right ring M65.342 Trigger finger, left ring M65.352 Trigger finger, left little M65.312 Trigger thumb, left thumb M65.322 Trigger finger, left index M65.332 Trigger finger, left middle Wrist Arthritis M19.039 Proximal Row Carpectomy 25215 4 Corner Fusion 25825 M19.031 Primary osteoarthritis, right wrist M19.032 Primary osteoarthritis, left wrist see 7th Character Coding A=initial encounter, D=subsequent encounter, S=sequela 4 Corner Fusion 25825 Anterior Interosseous Nerve Syndrome G56.10 354.1 Barton's Fracture S52.92XA 813.40 Bennett's Fracture ORIF 26665 Bennett's Fracture S62.213A 815.01 Bite Wounds E928.3 Boutonniere Deformity M20.029 736.21 Carpal Boss M25.739 726.91 Carpal Tunnel Anatomy Carpal Tunnel Release 64721 Carpal Tunnel syndrome (CTS) G56.00 354.0 Carpometacarpal Fracture - Dislocation S63.056A S62.109A S62.309A 833.04 Carpometacarpal Fracture-Dislocation CRPP 26676 Chauffeur fracture Claw Hand M21.519 736.06 Colles' Fracture Congenital Hand Deformities Congenital Radioulnar Synostosis Q74.0 755.53 deQuervain Release 25000 DeQuervain's Tenosynovitis M65.4 727.04 DIP Arthritis M19.049 715.14 DIP Arthrodesis 26860 DIP Dislocation S63.126A S63.279A 834.02 Distal Phalanx Fracture Open Treatment 26765 Distal Phalanx Fracture S62.523A 816.02 Distal Radioulnar Joint Arthritis M19.039 715.13 Distal Radius External Fixation 20690 Distal Radius Fracture CRPP 25606 Distal Radius Fracture S52.539A 813.41 Distal Radius ORIF 25607 DRUJ Instability / Dislocation S63.016A 833.01 DRUJ Reconstruction 25676 Dupuytren's Contracture M77.8 728.6 Epidermal Inclusion Cyst Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Subluxation S63.509A 842.00 Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Tendonitis M65.849 727.05 Extensor Tendon Injuries M66.249 S61.409A S66.929A 883.2 Extensor Tendon Repair 26410 Felon L03.019 681.01 Finger Tip Amputation Flaps Flexor Carpi Radialis Tendonitis M65.849 727.05 Flexor Tendon Laceration S61.409A 882.2 Flexor tendon sheath Irrigation and debridement 26020 Flexor Tendon Tenosynovitis M65.849 727.0 Gamekeeper's Thumb Images Ganglion Cyst Excision 25111 Ganglion Cyst M67.439 727.41 Ganglion of Tendon Sheath Excision 26160 Ganglion of Tendon Sheath M67.40 727.42 Giant Cell Tumor of the Tendon Sheath Images Hamate Fracture S62.143A 814.08 Hand Physical Exam Hand Texts Herpetic Whitlow B00.89 054.6 Hypothenar Hammer Syndrome I74.2 444.21 Intercalated Segment Instability Intersection Syndrome M65.849 727.05 Intraosseous Ganglion M67.40 733.20 Intrinsic Plus Hand Jersey Finger Cases Jersey Finger S63.629A 842.13 Keinbock's Disease M92.299 732.3 LRTI 25447 Lunate Fracture S62.123A 814.02 Lunotriquetral Coalition Lunotriquetral Instability Mallet Finger M20.019 736.1 Mallet Finger Repair 26433 MCP Arthritis MCP Dislocation S63.116A 834.01 Metacarpal Base Fracture S62.319A 815.02 Metacarpal Head Avascular Necrosis Metacarpal Neck Fracture ORIF / CRPP 26615 Metacarpal Neck Fracture S62.339A 815.04 Metacarpal Shaft Fracture ORIF 26615 Metacarpal Shaft Fracture S62.329A 815.03 Metacarpophalageal Joint Dislocation S63.116A 834.01 Mucous Cyst Excision 26160 Mucous Cyst M19.049 727.41 Nail Bed Injury S61.229A 883.1 Nailbed Ablation 11730 Nailbed Repair 11760 Paronychia L03.019 681.02 Perilunate Dislocation S63.036A 833.03 Peripheral Nerve Injury 957 Phalangeal Base Fracture S62.509A S62.609A 816.00 Phalangeal Metacarpal Malunion/Nonunion S62.90XK 733.81 Phalangeal Neck Fracture S62.509A S62.609A 816.00 Phalangeal Shaft Fracture S62.509A S62.609A 816.00 Phalanx Fracture ORIF 26735 PIP Fracture / Dislocation S63.279A 834.02 PIP Arthritis M19.049 715.14 Pisiform Fracture S62.163A 814.04 Preiser's Disease M87.00 733.40 Pronator Syndrome Proximal Row Carpectomy 25215 Proximal Row Carpectomy Images Radial Nerve Palsy G40.301 354.3 Radial Tunnel Syndrome Ring Avulsion Injuries Rolando Fracture S62.22 815.01 Scaphoid Fracture S62.009A 814.01 Scaphoid Nonunion Advanced Collapse S62.90XK 733.82 Scaphoid Nonunion S62.90XK 733.8 Scaphoid ORIF 25628 Scapholunate Advanced Collapse M19.039 715.13 Scapholunate Instability S63.519A 842.01 Scapholunate Ligament Repair Scapholunate Ligament Repair-Bruneli 25320 Smith's Fracture Swan Neck Deformity M20.039 736.22 TFCC Tear S63.599A 842.09 Thumb Basilar Joint Arthritis Classification Thumb Basilar Joint Arthritis M19.049 715.14 Thumb MCP Dislocation S63.116A 834.01 Thumb MCP Reduction 26705 Thumb Metacarpal Fracture S62.329A 815.03 Thumb RCL Injury S63.649A 842.12 Thumb Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injury S63.649A 842.12 Trapezium Fracture S62.173A 814.05 Trigger Finger / Thumb M65.30 727.03 Trigger Finger Release 26055 Triquetral Fracture S62.113A 814.03 Tumors of the Hand and Wrist Ulnar Nerve Palsy G56.20 354.2 Ulnar Shortening Osteotomy 25360 Ulnar Sided Wrist Pain Ulnar Styloid Fracture S52.609A 813.43 Ulnar Tunnel Syndrome S64.00XA 354.2 Ulnar Variance Ulnocarpal Impaction Syndrome M24.839 718.83 Wartenberg's Syndrome S44.20XA 955.3 Wrist Anatomy Wrist Anatomy Bones Wrist Arthritis Images Wrist Arthritis M19.039 715.13 Wrist Images Wrist Outcome Measures Wrist Physical Exam Wrist Texts Wrist Xray