Hamate Fracture S62.143A 814.08
Hamate Fx ICD-10
A- encounter for open fracture
B- initial initial encounter for closed fracture
D- subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
G- subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
K- subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
P- subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
S- sequela
Hamate Fx ICD-9
- 814.08 Fracture of carpal bone; hamate, closed
- 814.18 Fracture of carpal bone; hamate, open
Hamate Fx Etiology / Epidemiology / Natural History
- Hook of the hamate fractures generally occur from a direct blow or repeated trauma (baseball batting / golf).
Hamate Fx Anatomy
Hamate Fx Clinical Evaluation
- Ulnar-sided wrist pain. Tenderness distal and radial to the pisiform and dorsally over the ulnar side of the distal carpal row.
- Evaluate ulnar nerve motor function
- Allen's test can be used to evaluate for ulnar artery thrombosis.
Hamate Fx Xray / Diagnositc Tests
- Hook of the hamate fx are best seen on a carpal tunnel view.
- CT: can confirm diagnosis, indicated for normal xray with high index of suspicion. (Polivy KD, J Hand Surg 1985;10A:101).
Hamate Fx Classification / Treatment
- Hook of the hamate fx: SAC vs excision of fracture fragment.
Hamate Fx Associated Injuries / Differential Diagnosis
- Ulnar artery thrombosis
- Flexor tendonitis
- TFCC tear
- Hypothenar hammer syndrome
Hamate Fx Complications
Hamate Fx Follow-up Care
Hamate Fx Review References
- Parker RD, AJSM 1986;14:517
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