DIP Arthritis M19.049 715.14

DIP Arthritis ICD-10
DIP Arthritis ICD-9
- 715.14 osteoarthritis localized primary; hand
DIP Arthritis Etiology / Epidemiology / Natural History
- Most common site of arthritis in the hand
- Etiology: osteoarthritis, posttraumatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis
DIP Arthritis Anatomy
DIP Arthritis Clinical Evaluation
- Pain and loss of motion in DIP joint of affected digit. RA patients often have gross deformity / subluxation
DIP Arthritis Xray / Diagnositc Tests
- P/A, lateral and oblique views of affected finger / thumb demonstrate varying degrees of Joint space narrowing, sclerosis, osteophytosis
DIP Arthritis Classification / Treatment
DIP Arthritis Associated Injuries / Differential Diagnosis
- Mucous Cyst
- DIP dislocation
- PIP Arthritis
- MCP arthritis
DIP Arthritis Complications
- Pin-tract infection.
- Deep infection/osteomyelitis.
- Painful hardware.
- Nonunion.
- Cold intolerance.
- Nailbed deformity
DIP Arthritis Follow-up Care
- Post-Op: bulky hand dressing with volar splint. Keep elevated.
- 10-14 Days: Wound check, Stack splint applied. Active and passive PIP ROM encouraged.
- 6 Weeks: review xrays for signs of union.
- 3 Months: return to full activities if pain free and union evident by xray.
DIP Arthritis Review References
Greens Hand Surgery |