Thumb Hypoplasia ICD-9
- 755.28 longitudinal deficiency, hand
- 759.9 other and unspecified congenital anomalies
Thumb Hypoplasia Etiology / Epidemiology / Natural History
- Often bilateral
- Male = female
Thumb Hypoplasia Anatomy
Thumb Hypoplasia Clinical Evaluation
Thumb Hypoplasia Xray / Diagnositc Tests
Thumb Hypoplasia Classification / Treatment
- Modified Blauth Classification
- Type I: thumbs slightly smaller than normal, no functional limitation. Treatment: observation.
- Type II: Absence of thenar muscles. Treatment = web space deepening, MCP joint stabilization, opponensplasty.
- Type III: lack both intrinsic and extrnisci motor function and the thumb metacaarpal is underdeveloped
-IIIA= stable carpometacarpal joint. Treatment = web space deepening, MCP joint stabilization, opponensplasty. -IIIB= unstable/absent carpometacarpal joint. Treatment = thumb ablation and index pollicization.
- Type IV: floating thumb. Treatment = thumb ablation and index pollicization.
- Type V: absent thumb. Treatment = thumb ablation and index pollicization.
Thumb Hypoplasia Associated Injuries / Differential Diagnosis
- Holt-Oram syndrome
- Fanconi's anemia
- Thrombocytopenia-absent radius
Thumb Hypoplasia Complications
Thumb Hypoplasia Follow-up Care
Thumb Hypoplasia Review References