Shoulder Arthroscopy Images
Normal Long Head of the Biceps Tendon
- Long head of biceps tendon (normal)
- Biceps Labral Complex (Type I)
- Glenoid
- Anterior labrum
- Subscapularis
- Rotator Interval
- Humeral Head
Arthroscopic view from beach chair position
Normal Long head of biceps tendon exiting from glenohumeral joint (Biceps Exit)
- Long head of biceps tendon (normal)
- Intertubercual groove
- Humeral Head
- Anterior border of Supraspinatus
Arthroscopic view from beach chair position
Arthroscopic View of Subscapularis
- Rotator Interval
- Subscapularis
- Anterior labrum
- Glenoid
- Humeral Head
Arthroscopic view from beach chair position
Normal RTC / Rotator Cable
- Rotator Cable: an arching, cable-like thickening of the RTC. The rotator cable is 2.59 times the thickness of the rotator crescent that it surrounds and functions to stress-shield the rotator crescent. (Burkhart SS, Arthroscopy 1993; 9: 611-616)
- Rotator Crescent: thinner crescent of tissue that inserts into the greater tuberosity.
- Greater tuberosity insertion
- Humeral head
Arthroscopic view from posterior portal in beach chair postition.
Bare Area, Infraspinatus Insertion
- Infraspinatus insertion into greater tuberosity
- Bare Area
- Humeral Head articular margin
Arthroscopic view from posterior portal in the beach chair position.
Glenoid Articular Surface
- Glenoid (normal)
- Bare area of glenoid, normal
- Humeral Head
- Anterior Labrum
Arthroscopic view from posterior portal, beach chair position.
Bare Area
- Infraspinatus insertion (normal)
- Bare area (normal)
- Humeral Head articular cartilage
Arthroscopic view from posterior portal, beach chair position.
Superior Glenohumeral Ligament
- Long head of Biceps tendon
- Superior Glenohumeral Ligament
- Subscapularis Tendon
- Humeral Head
Buford Complex
- Cord like Middle Glenoumeral Ligament.
- Subscapularis
- Humeral Head
- Anterior-inferior labrum
- Glenoid
Glenohumeral Portals
- Anterior inferior portal: 1cm below and just medial to coracoid process. Enters through the subscapularis tendon.anterior-superior portal
- Anterior superior portal: just medial to the anterolateral corner of the acromion, entering the joint just anterior to the biceps tendon.Establish anterior-medial portal
- Anterior medial portal: lateral to coracoid process entering just superior to subscapularis tendon.