- synonyms: Quadriceps tendinitis, quad tendinitis, quadriceps tendinosis, quad tendinosis,
Quadriceps Tendinitis ICD-10
Quadriceps Tendinitis ICD-9
- 726.60 = enthesopathy of knee , unspecified.
Quadriceps Tendinitis Etiology / Epidemiology / Natural History
- Uncommon
- Chonric tendon degeneration without inflammation
- Associated with jumping sports: volleyball, basketball, high jump, long jump.
Quadriceps Tendinitis Anatomy
- Knee extensor mechanism = rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius.
- Quadriceps tendon has three layers. Superficial layer = rectus femoris. Intermediate layer = vastus medialis and lateralis. Deep Layer = vastus intermedius.
- Quadriceps tendon has a hypovascular area 1-2cm superior to the patella. (Yepes H, JBJS 2008:90A:2135).
Quadriceps Tendinitis Clinical Evaluation
- Localized tenderness at the insertion of the quadriceps tendon into the proximal pole of the patella, generally resulting from repetivie activities, high level athletes playing on hard surfaces.
- May have pain with knee extension against resistance.
- May be associated with clicking.
Quadriceps Tendinitis Xray / Diagnositc Tests
- Weight -bearing A/P, lateral and sunrise views of the knee are generally normal.
Quadriceps Tendinitis Classification / Treatment
- Rest, activity modifications, physical therapy (hamstring stretching, ice, massage, ultrasound, iontophoresis, phonophoresis)
- May consider platelet rich plasma injection
- Surgery: rarely indicated. Excision of degenerative tissue and calcifications (Ferretti A, Int 1985;239).
Quadriceps Tendinitis Associated Injuries / Differential Diagnosis
Quadriceps Tendinitis Complications
Quadriceps Tendinitis Follow-up Care
Quadriceps Tendinitis Review References