Polydactyly ICD-9
- 755.0 polydactyly
- 755.00 polydactyly; unspecified
- 755.01 polydactyly; of fingers
- 755.02 polydactyly' of toes
Polydactyly Etiology / Epidemiology / Natural History
- Prexial polydactyly = thumb polydactyly
- Males > females
- Causcasion > African American
- Sporadic
- Postaxial polydactyly = duplication of the ulnar most digit
-Autosomal dominant inheritance -Blacks > whites -Generally isolated condition in blacks, associated with other organ system dysfunction in whites.
Polydactyly Anatomy
Polydactyly Clinical Evaluation
- Exam demonstrates obvious extra digits
Polydactyly Xray / Diagnositc Tests
- Xray of involved area to evaluate bony involvement
Polydactyly Classification / Treatment
- Wassel Classification (Wassel HD, CORR 1969;64:175).
- Wassel Type I: bifid distal phalanx
- Wassel Type II: duplicated distal phalanx
- Wassel Type III: bifid proximal phalanx
- Wassel Type IV: duplicated proximal phalanx
- Wassel Type V: bifid metacarpal
- Wassel Type VI: duplicated metacarpal
- Wassel Type VII: thumb polydactyle with associated triphangeal thumb
- Treatment: ablation of the radial thumb with radial collateral ligament reconstruction and advancement of the thenar insertions to the retained ulnar thumb. +/- corrective osteotomies as indicated.
- Postaxial
-Type A(fully developed): ecsion with collateral ligament and hypothenar muscle reconstruction. -Type B (rudim entary and pedunculated): consider suture ligation in newborn nursery
Polydactyly Associated Injuries / Differential Diagnosis
- Associated congenital anomalies are rare
Polydactyly Complications
Polydactyly Follow-up Care
Polydactyly Review References
- Kasser JR. The foot. In: Morrissy RT, Weinstein SL, eds. Lovell and Winter's Pediatric Orthopaedics. 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2006:1257-1328.
- Phelps DA, Grogan DP. Polydactyly of the foot. J Pediatr Orthop. 1985 Jul-Aug;5(4):446-51.
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