Pediatric OCD ICD-10
Pediatric OCD ICD-9
- 732.7(osteochondritis dissecans)
OCD Etiology / Epidemiology / Natural History
- primary determinant of treatment is an age of the patient at presentation.
- open physes classifies the lesion as the Juvenile form
- etiology unknown
- Most children who have juvenile osteochondritis dessicans and open physes can be successfully managed non-operatively.
Pediatric OCD Treatment
- Cahill proposed limitation of activities until the patient was free of symptoms as well as protected weight bearing with use of splints or crutches. He recommended that non-operative treatment be abandoned if symptoms persist for 3 months
- pain disappears in an average of 8 months.
- the classic location for OCD of the knee is the lateral part of the medial condyle
- discontinue involvement in sports activities until pain has disappeared. conservative treatment is best for juvenile patients, with no difference shown between casting, bracing , PT, NWB or no treatment at all.
Pediatric OCD Review References
- Herring JA: Disorders of the knee: Tachdjians Pediatric Orthopaedics, 3rd ed., 789-838.
- Sales deGauzy J: Natural course of OCD in children. J Pediatr Orthop Br 1999;8:26-28.
- Hefti F: OCD: A multicenter study of the European Pediatric Ortho Society. J Pediatr Orthop Br 1999;8:231-245
- Cahill JAAOS 3:237;1995