Meralgia Paresthetica ICD-10
Meralgia Paresthetica ICD-9
Meralgia Paresthetica Etiology / Epidemiology / Natural History
- Painful syndrome of the thigh related to entrapment of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
- Etiology: idiopathic, trauma, iatrogenic (surgery, abduction splints)
- LFCN may be encased in bone from the anterior superior iliac spine, or entrapped in fascia either proximal or distal to the ASIS
Meralgia Paresthetica Anatomy
- Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve provides sensation to the lateral thigh.
- Originates from the lumbar plexus.
- Runs on the surface of the iliacus muscle and enters the thigh by passing under the inguinal ligament before piercing the fascia lata
- Location is variable.
- Average medial distance from the ASIS is 20.4 millimeters, with a range of three to forty-six millimeters. In no specimen did the nerve pass lateral to the ASIS. The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve lies anterior to the iliopsoas muscle. (Hospodar PP, JOT 1999 Jan;13(1):17-9)
- see also: Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve.
Meralgia Paresthetica Clinical Evaluation
- Numbness, burning, paresthesias, and pain in the anterolateral thigh, purely sensory
Meralgia Paresthetica Xray / Diagnositc Tests
- A/P pelvis, A/P and lat of affected hip generally normal
- Reproduction of the pain by deep palpation just below the anterior superior iliac spine and/or by hip extension
- May have relief of symptoms by localized injection of the LFCN with lidocaine;
- diagnosis can be supported by SSEP or nerve conduction
Meralgia Paresthetica Classification / Treatment
- Nsaids
- Local steroid injections
- Consider neurolysis, and or transposition in severe cases.
Meralgia Paresthetica Associated Injuries / Differential Diagnosis
- pelvic tumor
- OA
- upper lumbar nerve compression
Meralgia Paresthetica Complications
Meralgia Paresthetica Follow-up Care
Meralgia Paresthetica Review References