synonyms: female athlete, female athlete triad
Female Athlete ICD-9
Female Athlete Etiology / Epidemiology / Natural History
Female Athlete Anatomy
- Female athletes with a higher increased dynamic valgus and high abduction loads were are at increased risk of ACL tear. (Hewett TE, AJSM 2005;33:492).
- Female athletes have a greater total valgus knee load when landing from a jump than men.
Female Athlete Clinical Evaluation
- Obtain menstraul history: age of menarche, history of amenorrhea, use of oral contraceptives
- Document hisoty of recurrent stress fractures, menstrual dysfunction, and/o poor nutrition/disordered eating.
Female Athlete Xray / Diagnositc Tests
- Bone densiometry typically shows low BMD for chronological age.
Female Athlete Classification / Treatment
- Education and prevention
- Decrease training intensity, increase calorie intake, consider calcium, vitamin D, hormone replacement therapy, nasal calcitonin.
- Bisphosphonates are contraindicated due to teratogenic effects.
- Best managed with multidisciplinary approach: PCP, coach, athlete, athletes family.
Female Athlete Associated Injuries / Differential Diagnosis
- Anorexia nervosa
- Bulimia nervosa
- Eating disorder not otherwise specified
- Stress Fracture
Female Athlete Complications
Female Athlete Follow-up Care
- Best managed with multidisciplinary approach: PCP, coach, athlete, athletes family.
Female Athlete Review References
- Bennell KL, AJSM 1996;24:810
- Barrow GW, AJSM 1988;16:209