ICD-10-CM 2020 Search includes the entire 2020 code set for diagnostic coding in an easily searched always accessible web based platform.

Displaying 63901 - 64000 of 73384
R89.6 Abnormal cytological findings in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues
R89.7 Abnormal histological findings in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues
R89.8 Other abnormal findings in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues
R89.9 Unspecified abnormal finding in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues
R90.0 Intracranial space-occupying lesion found on diagnostic imaging of central nervous system
R90.81 Abnormal echoencephalogram
R90.82 White matter disease, unspecified
R90.89 Other abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of central nervous system
R91.1 Solitary pulmonary nodule
R91.8 Other nonspecific abnormal finding of lung field
R92.0 Mammographic microcalcification found on diagnostic imaging of breast
R92.1 Mammographic calcification found on diagnostic imaging of breast
R92.2 Inconclusive mammogram
R92.8 Other abnormal and inconclusive findings on diagnostic imaging of breast
R93.0 Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of skull and head, not elsewhere classified
R93.1 Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of heart and coronary circulation
R93.2 Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of liver and biliary tract
R93.3 Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of other parts of digestive tract
R93.41 Abnormal radiologic findings on diagnostic imaging of renal pelvis, ureter, or bladder
R93.421 Abnormal radiologic findings on diagnostic imaging of right kidney
R93.422 Abnormal radiologic findings on diagnostic imaging of left kidney
R93.429 Abnormal radiologic findings on diagnostic imaging of unspecified kidney
R93.49 Abnormal radiologic findings on diagnostic imaging of other urinary organs
R93.5 Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of other abdominal regions, including retroperitoneum
R93.6 Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of limbs
R93.7 Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of other parts of musculoskeletal system
R93.811 Abnormal radiologic findings on diagnostic imaging of right testicle
R93.812 Abnormal radiologic findings on diagnostic imaging of left testicle
R93.813 Abnormal radiologic findings on diagnostic imaging of testicles, bilateral
R93.819 Abnormal radiologic findings on diagnostic imaging of unspecified testicle
R93.89 Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of other specified body structures
R93.9 Diagnostic imaging inconclusive due to excess body fat of patient
R94.01 Abnormal electroencephalogram [EEG]
R94.02 Abnormal brain scan
R94.09 Abnormal results of other function studies of central nervous system
R94.110 Abnormal electro-oculogram [EOG]
R94.111 Abnormal electroretinogram [ERG]
R94.112 Abnormal visually evoked potential [VEP]
R94.113 Abnormal oculomotor study
R94.118 Abnormal results of other function studies of eye
R94.120 Abnormal auditory function study
R94.121 Abnormal vestibular function study
R94.128 Abnormal results of other function studies of ear and other special senses
R94.130 Abnormal response to nerve stimulation, unspecified
R94.131 Abnormal electromyogram [EMG]
R94.138 Abnormal results of other function studies of peripheral nervous system
R94.2 Abnormal results of pulmonary function studies
R94.30 Abnormal result of cardiovascular function study, unspecified
R94.31 Abnormal electrocardiogram [ECG] [EKG]
R94.39 Abnormal result of other cardiovascular function study
R94.4 Abnormal results of kidney function studies
R94.5 Abnormal results of liver function studies
R94.6 Abnormal results of thyroid function studies
R94.7 Abnormal results of other endocrine function studies
R94.8 Abnormal results of function studies of other organs and systems
R97.0 Elevated carcinoembryonic antigen [CEA]
R97.1 Elevated cancer antigen 125 [CA 125]
R97.20 Elevated prostate specific antigen [PSA]
R97.21 Rising PSA following treatment for malignant neoplasm of prostate
R97.8 Other abnormal tumor markers
R99. Ill-defined and unknown cause of mortality
V00.01XA Pedestrian on foot injured in collision with roller-skater, initial encounter
V00.01XD Pedestrian on foot injured in collision with roller-skater, subsequent encounter
V00.01XS Pedestrian on foot injured in collision with roller-skater, sequela
V00.02XA Pedestrian on foot injured in collision with skateboarder, initial encounter
V00.02XD Pedestrian on foot injured in collision with skateboarder, subsequent encounter
V00.02XS Pedestrian on foot injured in collision with skateboarder, sequela
V00.031A Pedestrian on foot injured in collision with rider of standing electric scooter, initial encounter
V00.031D Pedestrian on foot injured in collision with rider of standing electric scooter, subsequent encounter
V00.031S Pedestrian on foot injured in collision with rider of standing electric scooter, sequela
V00.038A Pedestrian on foot injured in collision with rider of other standing micro-mobility pedestrian conveyance, initial encounter
V00.038D Pedestrian on foot injured in collision with rider of other standing micro-mobility pedestrian conveyance, subsequent encounter
V00.038S Pedestrian on foot injured in collision with rider of other standing micro-mobility pedestrian conveyance, sequela
V00.09XA Pedestrian on foot injured in collision with other pedestrian conveyance, initial encounter
V00.09XD Pedestrian on foot injured in collision with other pedestrian conveyance, subsequent encounter
V00.09XS Pedestrian on foot injured in collision with other pedestrian conveyance, sequela
V00.111A Fall from in-line roller-skates, initial encounter
V00.111D Fall from in-line roller-skates, subsequent encounter
V00.111S Fall from in-line roller-skates, sequela
V00.112A In-line roller-skater colliding with stationary object, initial encounter
V00.112D In-line roller-skater colliding with stationary object, subsequent encounter
V00.112S In-line roller-skater colliding with stationary object, sequela
V00.118A Other in-line roller-skate accident, initial encounter
V00.118D Other in-line roller-skate accident, subsequent encounter
V00.118S Other in-line roller-skate accident, sequela
V00.121A Fall from non-in-line roller-skates, initial encounter
V00.121D Fall from non-in-line roller-skates, subsequent encounter
V00.121S Fall from non-in-line roller-skates, sequela
V00.122A Non-in-line roller-skater colliding with stationary object, initial encounter
V00.122D Non-in-line roller-skater colliding with stationary object, subsequent encounter
V00.122S Non-in-line roller-skater colliding with stationary object, sequela
V00.128A Other non-in-line roller-skating accident, initial encounter
V00.128D Other non-in-line roller-skating accident, subsequent encounter
V00.128S Other non-in-line roller-skating accident, sequela
V00.131A Fall from skateboard, initial encounter
V00.131D Fall from skateboard, subsequent encounter
V00.131S Fall from skateboard, sequela
V00.132A Skateboarder colliding with stationary object, initial encounter
V00.132D Skateboarder colliding with stationary object, subsequent encounter
V00.132S Skateboarder colliding with stationary object, sequela