ICD-10-CM 2020 Search includes the entire 2020 code set for diagnostic coding in an easily searched always accessible web based platform.

Displaying 63201 - 63300 of 73384
Q98.5 Karyotype 47, XYY
Q98.6 Male with structurally abnormal sex chromosome
Q98.7 Male with sex chromosome mosaicism
Q98.8 Other specified sex chromosome abnormalities, male phenotype
Q98.9 Sex chromosome abnormality, male phenotype, unspecified
Q99.0 Chimera 46, XX/46, XY
Q99.1 46, XX true hermaphrodite
Q99.2 Fragile X chromosome
Q99.8 Other specified chromosome abnormalities
Q99.9 Chromosomal abnormality, unspecified
Q21.10 Atrial septal defect, unspecified
Q21.11 Secundum atrial septal defect
Q21.12 Patent foramen ovale
Q21.13 Coronary sinus atrial septal defect
Q21.14 Superior sinus venosus atrial septal defect
Q21.15 Inferior sinus venosus atrial septal defect
Q21.16 Sinus venosus atrial septal defect, unspecified
Q21.19 Other specified atrial septal defect
Q21.20 Atrioventricular septal defect, unspecified as to partial or complete
Q21.21 Partial atrioventricular septal defect
Q21.22 Transitional atrioventricular septal defect
Q21.23 Complete atrioventricular septal defect
Q85.81 PTEN tumor syndrome
Q85.82 Other Cowden syndrome
Q85.83 Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome
Q85.89 Other phakomatoses, not elsewhere classified
R00.0 Tachycardia, unspecified
R00.1 Bradycardia, unspecified
R00.2 Palpitations
R00.8 Other abnormalities of heart beat
R00.9 Unspecified abnormalities of heart beat
R01.0 Benign and innocent cardiac murmurs
R01.1 Cardiac murmur, unspecified
R01.2 Other cardiac sounds
R03.0 Elevated blood-pressure reading, without diagnosis of hypertension
R03.1 Nonspecific low blood-pressure reading
R04.0 Epistaxis
R04.1 Hemorrhage from throat
R04.2 Hemoptysis
R04.81 Acute idiopathic pulmonary hemorrhage in infants
R04.89 Hemorrhage from other sites in respiratory passages
R04.9 Hemorrhage from respiratory passages, unspecified
R05.1 Acute cough
R05.2 Subacute cough
R05.3 Chronic cough
R05.4 Cough syncope
R05.8 Other specified cough
R05.9 Cough, unspecified
R06.00 Dyspnea, unspecified
R06.01 Orthopnea
R06.02 Shortness of breath
R06.03 Acute respiratory distress
R06.09 Other forms of dyspnea
R06.1 Stridor
R06.2 Wheezing
R06.3 Periodic breathing
R06.4 Hyperventilation
R06.5 Mouth breathing
R06.6 Hiccough
R06.7 Sneezing
R06.81 Apnea, not elsewhere classified
R06.82 Tachypnea, not elsewhere classified
R06.83 Snoring
R06.89 Other abnormalities of breathing
R06.9 Unspecified abnormalities of breathing
R07.0 Pain in throat
R07.1 Chest pain on breathing
R07.2 Precordial pain
R07.81 Pleurodynia
R07.82 Intercostal pain
R07.89 Other chest pain
R07.9 Chest pain, unspecified
R09.01 Asphyxia
R09.02 Hypoxemia
R09.1 Pleurisy
R09.2 Respiratory arrest
R09.3 Abnormal sputum
R09.81 Nasal congestion
R09.82 Postnasal drip
R09.89 Other specified symptoms and signs involving the circulatory and respiratory systems
R10.0 Acute abdomen
R10.10 Upper abdominal pain, unspecified
R10.11 Right upper quadrant pain
R10.12 Left upper quadrant pain
R10.13 Epigastric pain
R10.2 Pelvic and perineal pain
R10.30 Lower abdominal pain, unspecified
R10.31 Right lower quadrant pain
R10.32 Left lower quadrant pain
R10.33 Periumbilical pain
R10.811 Right upper quadrant abdominal tenderness
R10.812 Left upper quadrant abdominal tenderness
R10.813 Right lower quadrant abdominal tenderness
R10.814 Left lower quadrant abdominal tenderness
R10.815 Periumbilic abdominal tenderness
R10.816 Epigastric abdominal tenderness
R10.817 Generalized abdominal tenderness
R10.819 Abdominal tenderness, unspecified site
R10.821 Right upper quadrant rebound abdominal tenderness
R10.822 Left upper quadrant rebound abdominal tenderness