ICD-10-CM 2020 Search includes the entire 2020 code set for diagnostic coding in an easily searched always accessible web based platform.

Displaying 4501 - 4600 of 14287
O60.13X9 Preterm labor second trimester with preterm delivery third trimester, other fetus
O60.14X9 Preterm labor third trimester with preterm delivery third trimester, other fetus
O60.20X9 Term delivery with preterm labor, unspecified trimester, other fetus
O60.22X9 Term delivery with preterm labor, second trimester, other fetus
O60.23X9 Term delivery with preterm labor, third trimester, other fetus
O61.8 Other failed induction of labor
O62.2 Other uterine inertia
O62.8 Other abnormalities of forces of labor
O64.0XX9 Obstructed labor due to incomplete rotation of fetal head, other fetus
O64.1XX9 Obstructed labor due to breech presentation, other fetus
O64.2XX9 Obstructed labor due to face presentation, other fetus
O64.3XX9 Obstructed labor due to brow presentation, other fetus
O64.4XX9 Obstructed labor due to shoulder presentation, other fetus
O64.5XX9 Obstructed labor due to compound presentation, other fetus
O64.8XX0 Obstructed labor due to other malposition and malpresentation, not applicable or unspecified
O64.8XX1 Obstructed labor due to other malposition and malpresentation, fetus 1
O64.8XX2 Obstructed labor due to other malposition and malpresentation, fetus 2
O64.8XX3 Obstructed labor due to other malposition and malpresentation, fetus 3
O64.8XX4 Obstructed labor due to other malposition and malpresentation, fetus 4
O64.8XX5 Obstructed labor due to other malposition and malpresentation, fetus 5
O64.8XX9 Obstructed labor due to other malposition and malpresentation, other fetus
O64.9XX9 Obstructed labor due to malposition and malpresentation, unspecified, other fetus
O65.8 Obstructed labor due to other maternal pelvic abnormalities
O66.3 Obstructed labor due to other abnormalities of fetus
O66.6 Obstructed labor due to other multiple fetuses
O66.8 Other specified obstructed labor
O67.8 Other intrapartum hemorrhage
O69.0XX9 Labor and delivery complicated by prolapse of cord, other fetus
O69.1XX9 Labor and delivery complicated by cord around neck, with compression, other fetus
O69.2XX0 Labor and delivery complicated by other cord entanglement, with compression, not applicable or unspecified
O69.2XX1 Labor and delivery complicated by other cord entanglement, with compression, fetus 1
O69.2XX2 Labor and delivery complicated by other cord entanglement, with compression, fetus 2
O69.2XX3 Labor and delivery complicated by other cord entanglement, with compression, fetus 3
O69.2XX4 Labor and delivery complicated by other cord entanglement, with compression, fetus 4
O69.2XX5 Labor and delivery complicated by other cord entanglement, with compression, fetus 5
O69.2XX9 Labor and delivery complicated by other cord entanglement, with compression, other fetus
O69.3XX9 Labor and delivery complicated by short cord, other fetus
O69.4XX9 Labor and delivery complicated by vasa previa, other fetus
O69.5XX9 Labor and delivery complicated by vascular lesion of cord, other fetus
O69.81X9 Labor and delivery complicated by cord around neck, without compression, other fetus
O69.82X0 Labor and delivery complicated by other cord entanglement, without compression, not applicable or unspecified
O69.82X1 Labor and delivery complicated by other cord entanglement, without compression, fetus 1
O69.82X2 Labor and delivery complicated by other cord entanglement, without compression, fetus 2
O69.82X3 Labor and delivery complicated by other cord entanglement, without compression, fetus 3
O69.82X4 Labor and delivery complicated by other cord entanglement, without compression, fetus 4
O69.82X5 Labor and delivery complicated by other cord entanglement, without compression, fetus 5
O69.82X9 Labor and delivery complicated by other cord entanglement, without compression, other fetus
O69.89X0 Labor and delivery complicated by other cord complications, not applicable or unspecified
O69.89X1 Labor and delivery complicated by other cord complications, fetus 1
O69.89X2 Labor and delivery complicated by other cord complications, fetus 2
O69.89X3 Labor and delivery complicated by other cord complications, fetus 3
O69.89X4 Labor and delivery complicated by other cord complications, fetus 4
O69.89X5 Labor and delivery complicated by other cord complications, fetus 5
O69.89X9 Labor and delivery complicated by other cord complications, other fetus
O69.9XX9 Labor and delivery complicated by cord complication, unspecified, other fetus
O71.5 Other obstetric injury to pelvic organs
O71.82 Other specified trauma to perineum and vulva
O71.89 Other specified obstetric trauma
O72.1 Other immediate postpartum hemorrhage
O74.1 Other pulmonary complications of anesthesia during labor and delivery
O74.6 Other complications of spinal and epidural anesthesia during labor and delivery
O74.8 Other complications of anesthesia during labor and delivery
O75.3 Other infection during labor
O75.4 Other complications of obstetric surgery and procedures
O75.89 Other specified complications of labor and delivery
O77.8 Labor and delivery complicated by other evidence of fetal stress
O86.09 Infection of obstetric surgical wound, other surgical site
O86.19 Other infection of genital tract following delivery
O86.29 Other urinary tract infection following delivery
O86.89 Other specified puerperal infections
O87.8 Other venous complications in the puerperium
O88.811 Other embolism in pregnancy, first trimester
O88.812 Other embolism in pregnancy, second trimester
O88.813 Other embolism in pregnancy, third trimester
O88.819 Other embolism in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O88.82 Other embolism in childbirth
O88.83 Other embolism in the puerperium
O89.09 Other pulmonary complications of anesthesia during the puerperium
O89.5 Other complications of spinal and epidural anesthesia during the puerperium
O89.8 Other complications of anesthesia during the puerperium
O90.89 Other complications of the puerperium, not elsewhere classified
O92.29 Other disorders of breast associated with pregnancy and the puerperium
O92.79 Other disorders of lactation
O98.311 Other infections with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission complicating pregnancy, first trimester
O98.312 Other infections with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission complicating pregnancy, second trimester
O98.313 Other infections with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission complicating pregnancy, third trimester
O98.319 Other infections with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission complicating pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O98.32 Other infections with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission complicating childbirth
O98.33 Other infections with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission complicating the puerperium
O98.511 Other viral diseases complicating pregnancy, first trimester
O98.512 Other viral diseases complicating pregnancy, second trimester
O98.513 Other viral diseases complicating pregnancy, third trimester
O98.519 Other viral diseases complicating pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O98.52 Other viral diseases complicating childbirth
O98.53 Other viral diseases complicating the puerperium
O98.811 Other maternal infectious and parasitic diseases complicating pregnancy, first trimester
O98.812 Other maternal infectious and parasitic diseases complicating pregnancy, second trimester
O98.813 Other maternal infectious and parasitic diseases complicating pregnancy, third trimester
O98.819 Other maternal infectious and parasitic diseases complicating pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O98.82 Other maternal infectious and parasitic diseases complicating childbirth