ICD-10-CM 2020 Search includes the entire 2020 code set for diagnostic coding in an easily searched always accessible web based platform.

Displaying 2201 - 2300 of 12269
S37.519S Primary blast injury of fallopian tube, unspecified, sequela
S37.521S Contusion of fallopian tube, unilateral, sequela
S37.522S Contusion of fallopian tube, bilateral, sequela
S37.529S Contusion of fallopian tube, unspecified, sequela
S37.531S Laceration of fallopian tube, unilateral, sequela
S37.532S Laceration of fallopian tube, bilateral, sequela
S37.539S Laceration of fallopian tube, unspecified, sequela
S37.591S Other injury of fallopian tube, unilateral, sequela
S37.592S Other injury of fallopian tube, bilateral, sequela
S37.599S Other injury of fallopian tube, unspecified, sequela
S37.60XS Unspecified injury of uterus, sequela
S37.62XS Contusion of uterus, sequela
S37.63XS Laceration of uterus, sequela
S37.69XS Other injury of uterus, sequela
S37.812S Contusion of adrenal gland, sequela
S37.813S Laceration of adrenal gland, sequela
S37.818S Other injury of adrenal gland, sequela
S37.819S Unspecified injury of adrenal gland, sequela
S37.822S Contusion of prostate, sequela
S37.823S Laceration of prostate, sequela
S37.828S Other injury of prostate, sequela
S37.829S Unspecified injury of prostate, sequela
S37.892S Contusion of other urinary and pelvic organ, sequela
S37.893S Laceration of other urinary and pelvic organ, sequela
S37.898S Other injury of other urinary and pelvic organ, sequela
S37.899S Unspecified injury of other urinary and pelvic organ, sequela
S37.90XS Unspecified injury of unspecified urinary and pelvic organ, sequela
S37.92XS Contusion of unspecified urinary and pelvic organ, sequela
S37.93XS Laceration of unspecified urinary and pelvic organ, sequela
S37.99XS Other injury of unspecified urinary and pelvic organ, sequela
S38.001S Crushing injury of unspecified external genital organs, male, sequela
S38.002S Crushing injury of unspecified external genital organs, female, sequela
S38.01XS Crushing injury of penis, sequela
S38.02XS Crushing injury of scrotum and testis, sequela
S38.03XS Crushing injury of vulva, sequela
S38.1XXS Crushing injury of abdomen, lower back, and pelvis, sequela
S38.211S Complete traumatic amputation of female external genital organs, sequela
S38.212S Partial traumatic amputation of female external genital organs, sequela
S38.221S Complete traumatic amputation of penis, sequela
S38.222S Partial traumatic amputation of penis, sequela
S38.231S Complete traumatic amputation of scrotum and testis, sequela
S38.232S Partial traumatic amputation of scrotum and testis, sequela
S38.3XXS Transection (partial) of abdomen, sequela
S39.001S Unspecified injury of muscle, fascia and tendon of abdomen, sequela
S39.002S Unspecified injury of muscle, fascia and tendon of lower back, sequela
S39.003S Unspecified injury of muscle, fascia and tendon of pelvis, sequela
S39.011S Strain of muscle, fascia and tendon of abdomen, sequela
S39.012S Strain of muscle, fascia and tendon of lower back, sequela
S39.013S Strain of muscle, fascia and tendon of pelvis, sequela
S39.021S Laceration of muscle, fascia and tendon of abdomen, sequela
S39.022S Laceration of muscle, fascia and tendon of lower back, sequela
S39.023S Laceration of muscle, fascia and tendon of pelvis, sequela
S39.091S Other injury of muscle, fascia and tendon of abdomen, sequela
S39.092S Other injury of muscle, fascia and tendon of lower back, sequela
S39.093S Other injury of muscle, fascia and tendon of pelvis, sequela
S39.81XS Other specified injuries of abdomen, sequela
S39.82XS Other specified injuries of lower back, sequela
S39.83XS Other specified injuries of pelvis, sequela
S39.840S Fracture of corpus cavernosum penis, sequela
S39.848S Other specified injuries of external genitals, sequela
S39.91XS Unspecified injury of abdomen, sequela
S39.92XS Unspecified injury of lower back, sequela
S39.93XS Unspecified injury of pelvis, sequela
S39.94XS Unspecified injury of external genitals, sequela
S40.011S Contusion of right shoulder, sequela
S40.012S Contusion of left shoulder, sequela
S40.019S Contusion of unspecified shoulder, sequela
S40.021S Contusion of right upper arm, sequela
S40.022S Contusion of left upper arm, sequela
S40.029S Contusion of unspecified upper arm, sequela
S40.211S Abrasion of right shoulder, sequela
S40.212S Abrasion of left shoulder, sequela
S40.219S Abrasion of unspecified shoulder, sequela
S40.221S Blister (nonthermal) of right shoulder, sequela
S40.222S Blister (nonthermal) of left shoulder, sequela
S40.229S Blister (nonthermal) of unspecified shoulder, sequela
S40.241S External constriction of right shoulder, sequela
S40.242S External constriction of left shoulder, sequela
S40.249S External constriction of unspecified shoulder, sequela
S40.251S Superficial foreign body of right shoulder, sequela
S40.252S Superficial foreign body of left shoulder, sequela
S40.259S Superficial foreign body of unspecified shoulder, sequela
S40.261S Insect bite (nonvenomous) of right shoulder, sequela
S40.262S Insect bite (nonvenomous) of left shoulder, sequela
S40.269S Insect bite (nonvenomous) of unspecified shoulder, sequela
S40.271S Other superficial bite of right shoulder, sequela
S40.272S Other superficial bite of left shoulder, sequela
S40.279S Other superficial bite of unspecified shoulder, sequela
S40.811S Abrasion of right upper arm, sequela
S40.812S Abrasion of left upper arm, sequela
S40.819S Abrasion of unspecified upper arm, sequela
S40.821S Blister (nonthermal) of right upper arm, sequela
S40.822S Blister (nonthermal) of left upper arm, sequela
S40.829S Blister (nonthermal) of unspecified upper arm, sequela
S40.841S External constriction of right upper arm, sequela
S40.842S External constriction of left upper arm, sequela
S40.849S External constriction of unspecified upper arm, sequela
S40.851S Superficial foreign body of right upper arm, sequela
S40.852S Superficial foreign body of left upper arm, sequela
S40.859S Superficial foreign body of unspecified upper arm, sequela