ICD-10-CM 2020 Search includes the entire 2020 code set for diagnostic coding in an easily searched always accessible web based platform.

Displaying 70201 - 70300 of 73384
A51.41 Secondary syphilitic meningitis
A51.42 Secondary syphilitic female pelvic disease
A51.43 Secondary syphilitic oculopathy
A51.44 Secondary syphilitic nephritis
A51.45 Secondary syphilitic hepatitis
A51.46 Secondary syphilitic osteopathy
A51.49 Other secondary syphilitic conditions
A51.5 Early syphilis, latent
A51.9 Early syphilis, unspecified
A52.00 Cardiovascular syphilis, unspecified
A52.01 Syphilitic aneurysm of aorta
A52.02 Syphilitic aortitis
A52.03 Syphilitic endocarditis
A52.04 Syphilitic cerebral arteritis
A52.05 Other cerebrovascular syphilis
A52.06 Other syphilitic heart involvement
A52.09 Other cardiovascular syphilis
A52.10 Symptomatic neurosyphilis, unspecified
A52.11 Tabes dorsalis
A52.12 Other cerebrospinal syphilis
A52.13 Late syphilitic meningitis
A52.14 Late syphilitic encephalitis
A52.15 Late syphilitic neuropathy
A52.16 Charcot's arthropathy (tabetic)
A52.17 General paresis
A52.19 Other symptomatic neurosyphilis
A52.2 Asymptomatic neurosyphilis
A52.3 Neurosyphilis, unspecified
A52.71 Late syphilitic oculopathy
A52.72 Syphilis of lung and bronchus
A52.73 Symptomatic late syphilis of other respiratory organs
A52.74 Syphilis of liver and other viscera
A52.75 Syphilis of kidney and ureter
A52.76 Other genitourinary symptomatic late syphilis
A52.77 Syphilis of bone and joint
A52.78 Syphilis of other musculoskeletal tissue
A52.79 Other symptomatic late syphilis
A52.8 Late syphilis, latent
A52.9 Late syphilis, unspecified
A53.0 Latent syphilis, unspecified as early or late
A53.9 Syphilis, unspecified
A54.00 Gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract, unspecified
A54.01 Gonococcal cystitis and urethritis, unspecified
A54.02 Gonococcal vulvovaginitis, unspecified
A54.03 Gonococcal cervicitis, unspecified
A54.09 Other gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract
A54.1 Gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract with periurethral and accessory gland abscess
A54.21 Gonococcal infection of kidney and ureter
A54.22 Gonococcal prostatitis
A54.23 Gonococcal infection of other male genital organs
A54.24 Gonococcal female pelvic inflammatory disease
A54.29 Other gonococcal genitourinary infections
A54.30 Gonococcal infection of eye, unspecified
A54.31 Gonococcal conjunctivitis
A54.32 Gonococcal iridocyclitis
A54.33 Gonococcal keratitis
A54.39 Other gonococcal eye infection
A54.40 Gonococcal infection of musculoskeletal system, unspecified
A54.41 Gonococcal spondylopathy
A54.42 Gonococcal arthritis
A54.43 Gonococcal osteomyelitis
A54.49 Gonococcal infection of other musculoskeletal tissue
A54.5 Gonococcal pharyngitis
A54.6 Gonococcal infection of anus and rectum
A54.81 Gonococcal meningitis
A54.82 Gonococcal brain abscess
A54.83 Gonococcal heart infection
A54.84 Gonococcal pneumonia
A54.85 Gonococcal peritonitis
A54.86 Gonococcal sepsis
A54.89 Other gonococcal infections
A54.9 Gonococcal infection, unspecified
A55. Chlamydial lymphogranuloma (venereum)
A56.00 Chlamydial infection of lower genitourinary tract, unspecified
A56.01 Chlamydial cystitis and urethritis
A56.02 Chlamydial vulvovaginitis
A56.09 Other chlamydial infection of lower genitourinary tract
A56.11 Chlamydial female pelvic inflammatory disease
A56.19 Other chlamydial genitourinary infection
A56.2 Chlamydial infection of genitourinary tract, unspecified
A56.3 Chlamydial infection of anus and rectum
A56.4 Chlamydial infection of pharynx
A56.8 Sexually transmitted chlamydial infection of other sites
A57. Chancroid
A58. Granuloma inguinale
A59.00 Urogenital trichomoniasis, unspecified
A59.01 Trichomonal vulvovaginitis
A59.02 Trichomonal prostatitis
A59.03 Trichomonal cystitis and urethritis
A59.09 Other urogenital trichomoniasis
A59.8 Trichomoniasis of other sites
A59.9 Trichomoniasis, unspecified
A60.00 Herpesviral infection of urogenital system, unspecified
A60.01 Herpesviral infection of penis
A60.02 Herpesviral infection of other male genital organs
A60.03 Herpesviral cervicitis
A60.04 Herpesviral vulvovaginitis
A60.09 Herpesviral infection of other urogenital tract
A60.1 Herpesviral infection of perianal skin and rectum
A60.9 Anogenital herpesviral infection, unspecified