ICD-10-CM 2020 Search includes the entire 2020 code set for diagnostic coding in an easily searched always accessible web based platform.

Displaying 61901 - 62000 of 73384
O35.GXX9 Maternal care for other (suspected) fetal abnormality and damage, fetal upper extremities anomalies, other fetus
O35.HXX0 Maternal care for other (suspected) fetal abnormality and damage, fetal lower extremities anomalies, not applicable or unspecified
O35.HXX1 Maternal care for other (suspected) fetal abnormality and damage, fetal lower extremities anomalies, fetus 1
O35.HXX2 Maternal care for other (suspected) fetal abnormality and damage, fetal lower extremities anomalies, fetus 2
O35.HXX3 Maternal care for other (suspected) fetal abnormality and damage, fetal lower extremities anomalies, fetus 3
O35.HXX4 Maternal care for other (suspected) fetal abnormality and damage, fetal lower extremities anomalies, fetus 4
O35.HXX5 Maternal care for other (suspected) fetal abnormality and damage, fetal lower extremities anomalies, fetus 5
O35.HXX9 Maternal care for other (suspected) fetal abnormality and damage, fetal lower extremities anomalies, other fetus
P00.0 Newborn affected by maternal hypertensive disorders
P00.1 Newborn affected by maternal renal and urinary tract diseases
P00.2 Newborn affected by maternal infectious and parasitic diseases
P00.3 Newborn affected by other maternal circulatory and respiratory diseases
P00.4 Newborn affected by maternal nutritional disorders
P00.5 Newborn affected by maternal injury
P00.6 Newborn affected by surgical procedure on mother
P00.7 Newborn affected by other medical procedures on mother, not elsewhere classified
P00.81 Newborn affected by periodontal disease in mother
P00.82 Newborn affected by (positive) maternal group B streptococcus (GBS) colonization
P00.89 Newborn affected by other maternal conditions
P00.9 Newborn affected by unspecified maternal condition
P01.0 Newborn affected by incompetent cervix
P01.1 Newborn affected by premature rupture of membranes
P01.2 Newborn affected by oligohydramnios
P01.3 Newborn affected by polyhydramnios
P01.4 Newborn affected by ectopic pregnancy
P01.5 Newborn affected by multiple pregnancy
P01.6 Newborn affected by maternal death
P01.7 Newborn affected by malpresentation before labor
P01.8 Newborn affected by other maternal complications of pregnancy
P01.9 Newborn affected by maternal complication of pregnancy, unspecified
P02.0 Newborn affected by placenta previa
P02.1 Newborn affected by other forms of placental separation and hemorrhage
P02.20 Newborn affected by unspecified morphological and functional abnormalities of placenta
P02.29 Newborn affected by other morphological and functional abnormalities of placenta
P02.3 Newborn affected by placental transfusion syndromes
P02.4 Newborn affected by prolapsed cord
P02.5 Newborn affected by other compression of umbilical cord
P02.60 Newborn affected by unspecified conditions of umbilical cord
P02.69 Newborn affected by other conditions of umbilical cord
P02.70 Newborn affected by fetal inflammatory response syndrome
P02.78 Newborn affected by other conditions from chorioamnionitis
P02.8 Newborn affected by other abnormalities of membranes
P02.9 Newborn affected by abnormality of membranes, unspecified
P03.0 Newborn affected by breech delivery and extraction
P03.1 Newborn affected by other malpresentation, malposition and disproportion during labor and delivery
P03.2 Newborn affected by forceps delivery
P03.3 Newborn affected by delivery by vacuum extractor [ventouse]
P03.4 Newborn affected by Cesarean delivery
P03.5 Newborn affected by precipitate delivery
P03.6 Newborn affected by abnormal uterine contractions
P03.810 Newborn affected by abnormality in fetal (intrauterine) heart rate or rhythm before the onset of labor
P03.811 Newborn affected by abnormality in fetal (intrauterine) heart rate or rhythm during labor
P03.819 Newborn affected by abnormality in fetal (intrauterine) heart rate or rhythm, unspecified as to time of onset
P03.82 Meconium passage during delivery
P03.89 Newborn affected by other specified complications of labor and delivery
P03.9 Newborn affected by complication of labor and delivery, unspecified
P04.0 Newborn affected by maternal anesthesia and analgesia in pregnancy, labor and delivery
P04.11 Newborn affected by maternal antineoplastic chemotherapy
P04.12 Newborn affected by maternal cytotoxic drugs
P04.13 Newborn affected by maternal use of anticonvulsants
P04.14 Newborn affected by maternal use of opiates
P04.15 Newborn affected by maternal use of antidepressants
P04.16 Newborn affected by maternal use of amphetamines
P04.17 Newborn affected by maternal use of sedative-hypnotics
P04.1A Newborn affected by maternal use of anxiolytics
P04.18 Newborn affected by other maternal medication
P04.19 Newborn affected by maternal use of unspecified medication
P04.2 Newborn affected by maternal use of tobacco
P04.3 Newborn affected by maternal use of alcohol
P04.40 Newborn affected by maternal use of unspecified drugs of addiction
P04.41 Newborn affected by maternal use of cocaine
P04.42 Newborn affected by maternal use of hallucinogens
P04.49 Newborn affected by maternal use of other drugs of addiction
P04.5 Newborn affected by maternal use of nutritional chemical substances
P04.6 Newborn affected by maternal exposure to environmental chemical substances
P04.81 Newborn affected by maternal use of cannabis
P04.89 Newborn affected by other maternal noxious substances
P04.9 Newborn affected by maternal noxious substance, unspecified
P05.00 Newborn light for gestational age, unspecified weight
P05.01 Newborn light for gestational age, less than 500 grams
P05.02 Newborn light for gestational age, 500-749 grams
P05.03 Newborn light for gestational age, 750-999 grams
P05.04 Newborn light for gestational age, 1000-1249 grams
P05.05 Newborn light for gestational age, 1250-1499 grams
P05.06 Newborn light for gestational age, 1500-1749 grams
P05.07 Newborn light for gestational age, 1750-1999 grams
P05.08 Newborn light for gestational age, 2000-2499 grams
P05.09 Newborn light for gestational age, 2500 grams and over
P05.10 Newborn small for gestational age, unspecified weight
P05.11 Newborn small for gestational age, less than 500 grams
P05.12 Newborn small for gestational age, 500-749 grams
P05.13 Newborn small for gestational age, 750-999 grams
P05.14 Newborn small for gestational age, 1000-1249 grams
P05.15 Newborn small for gestational age, 1250-1499 grams
P05.16 Newborn small for gestational age, 1500-1749 grams
P05.17 Newborn small for gestational age, 1750-1999 grams
P05.18 Newborn small for gestational age, 2000-2499 grams
P05.19 Newborn small for gestational age, other
P05.2 Newborn affected by fetal (intrauterine) malnutrition not light or small for gestational age
P05.9 Newborn affected by slow intrauterine growth, unspecified