synonyms:FCR tendonitis, flexor carpi radialis tendonitis
FCR Tendonitis ICD-10
FCR Tendonitis ICD-9
- 727.05 (other tenosynovitis of hand and wrist)
FCR Tendonitis Etiology / Epidemiology / Natural History
FCR Tendonitis Anatomy
- Flexor carpi ulnaris (FCR) travels in a sunovial tunnel bordered by the scaphoid tuberosity, tranverse carpal ligament and the trapezial ridge.
FCR Tendonitis Clinical Evaluation
- Pain and tenderness over the FCR tendon.
- Increased pain with abruptly extending the relaxed wrist.
- pain with resisted flexion and radial deviation.
FCR Tendonitis Xray / Diagnositc Tests
FCR Tendonitis Classification / Treatment
- Acute: cock-up wrist splint, nsaids, acitivity modification.
- Subacute (patients who have failed acute management): Corticosteriod injection FCR sheath.
- Chronic (patients who have 2 or more injections): Surgical releaseof the fibro-osseous tunnel
FCR Tendonitis Associated Injuries / Differential Diagnosis
FCR Tendonitis Complications
FCR Tendonitis Follow-up Care
FCR Tendonitis Review References