Cervical Neuropraxia S14.9XXA

   synonyms:transient quadriplegia, cervical cord neuropraxia


Etiology / Epidemiology / Natural History

  • Acute transient neuroligic deficit (sensory and/or motor) after forced hyperflexion, hyperextion, or axial load to the cervical spine.
  • Symptoms are transient and generally resolve over 10-15 minutes; may gradually resolve over 48 hours.


Clinical Evaluation

  • Burning pain, numbness, weakness or complete paralysis involving both arms, legs or all four extremities.

Xray / Diagnositc Tests

  • C-spine films indicated. Should be normal except for cervical spinal stenosis.
  • Pavlov ratio >0.80 indicates spinal canal narrowing. Ratio is the distance from the posterior aspect of the vertebral body to the spinolaminar line divided by the anteroposterior width of the vertebral body.

Classification / Treatment

Associated Injuries / Differential Diagnosis


Follow-up Care

  • Rate of recurrence in tackle football = 56%. Patients with smaller canal diameter have increased risk of recurrence (Torg JS, J Neurosurgery 1997;87:843).
  • Cervical neuropraxia has not been shown to be predisposed to permanent neurologic injury.

Review References