Biceps Tendon Anatomy


Normal Long Head of the Biceps Tendon

  1. Long head of biceps tendon (normal)
  2. Biceps Labral Complex (Type I)
  3. Glenoid
  4. Anterior labrum
  5. Subscapularis
  6. Rotator Interval
  7. Humeral Head

Arthroscopic view from beach chair position



Normal Long head of biceps tendon exiting from glenohumeral joint (Biceps Exit)

  1. Long head of biceps tendon (normal)
  2. Intertubercual groove
  3. Humeral Head
  4. Anterior border of Supraspinatus

Arthroscopic view from beach chair position

Biceps Tendonitis

  1. Long head of biceps tendon (frayed)
  2. Cannula in Rotator Interval
  3. Probe
  4. Humeral Head
  5. Supraspinatus

Arthroscopic view from beach chair position