Adhesive Capsulitis Rehab Protocol
- Goal: Gradual increase in ROM of shoulder.
- Modalities – use as necessary for pain and inflammation control, muscle relaxation and joint stiffness.
- Moist heat to affected shoulder for 10 minutes prior to stretching.
- Pendulums.
- Forward Flexion- from supine position, use opposite hand to grab affected arm at wrist and lift overhead.
- Walk fingers slowly up the wall, hold for a stretch, return to original position.
- External Rotation – from supine position.
- Internal Rotation – use towel behind back to pull affected arm behind back
- Cross-body reach – use opposite hand to pull affected elbow across the body.
- Mobilizations
- Wand/Cane exercises
- Follow stretching with 5-7 minutes of ice.
- Strengthen upper limb/shoulder/trunk muscles as needed.
- Rockwood shoulder exercises.
- Home exercise program – instruct patient/family members on methods of stretching to be performed 3-5 times per day. Pulleys should be sent home with patient.
- Stretches should be held for 20-30 seconds.
- Patients should passively stretch their own shoulder to a tolerable pain level daily.