Elbow Arthroscopy Images

 elbow arthroscopy medial portals  Standard Medial Portals
  1. Ulnar nerve
  2. Medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve
  3. Medial epicondyle
  4. Median nerve
  5. Brachial artery
  6. Superomedial portal (proximal anteromedial portal): anterior to the intermuscular septum, 2cm proximal to the medial epicondyle. Must stay anterior to the medial intermuscular septum to aboid ulnar nere injury.
  7. Anteromedial portal: generally used to augment superomedial portal. Ensure ulnar nerve is not subluxed before establishing anteromedial portal. Generally 2cm distal and 2 cm anterior to the medial epicondyle. Risks: ulnar nerve, medial antebrachiocutaneous nerve.
elbow arthroscopy lateral portals Standard Lateral Portals
  1. Proximal anterolateral portal: 2cm proximal and 1cm anterior to the lateral epicondyle. Lowest risk or radial nerve injury. (MIller C, JSES 1995;4:168).
  2. Radial Nerve
  3. Posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve
  4. Lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve
  5. Midanterolateral portal
  6. Anterolateral portal: access to anterior joint (trochlea, coronoid process, coronoid fossa, medial radial head), placed exactly in the sulcus felt between radial head and capitellum anteriorly, elbow flexed 90°, capsule fully distended to displace NV structures anteriorly. Risks radial nerve.
  7. Mid-lateral portal: within soft spot in triangle formed by olecranon, lateral epicondyle, and radial head. Allows visualization of: inferior capitellum, inferior radioulnar joint. Risks:posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve.
  8. Lateral Epicondyle